A note on : Poem Brut phase 3 and Hawkins at Second Step

Poem Brut is entering a third phase. I began the project hoping my approach would create a nice series of events. I wanted to promote poetry methods that engaged in their context, innovatively, in a contemporary way, with the handmade, the visceral, the visual and the live while also asking what effect our brains have on our writing. I wanted to include knowledge from those with alternative cognitive experiences. But I didnt want to make them definitional. I didn’t want to advertise it, or make the project about ‘outsider’ poetry, or people’s bio. This is all seems to have worked. I’ve had emails over the lockdown asking me about the ‘movement’ of Poem Brut. It’s a bowel word but that’s nice that people see the project as a thing.

Our first phase was events and publications. Our second was about continuing that energy, including exhibitions and then commissioning and mentoring individuals who are often left out of that kind of stuff because they are so original. In both cases the open submissions of our 3am series kept the people involved ever changing, growing, open minded and open doored.

This third phase, planned for 2021, will continue all these activities, but go further in helping poets branch out with their own projects. A brilliant example of this is the incredible teaching work of Paul Hawkins at the Second Step mental health charity in Bristol. Paul has done an amazing job sharing Poem Brut work and ideas to people using Second Step’s service. You can read about that here https://www.poembrut.com/secondstep and the tweet above says it all. / More coming soon on Poem Brut in the new year, when hopefully we are all able to meet again in person.

A note on: States of Mind - 3 events in July for Wellcome Collection

States of Mind: Tracing the edges of consciousness
3 events in July 2016 at Wellcome Collection

Great to be speaking at and curating three events for Wellcome Collection's exhibition on consciousness, States of Mind. These events will bring together expertise from a wide array of fields, from neuroscience to performance art, from philosophy to filmmaking, in order to explore the notion of consciousness through the concepts of language, sound and narrative. www.stevenjfowler.com/statesofmind

Through informal academic talks alongside newly commissioned artworks, the variance of speakers, with their uniformly exciting and innovative approaches to the notion of consciousness, will ensure three remarkable events, free to attend, this July, in London.

https://wellcomecollection.org/exhibitions/states-mind-tracing-edges-consciousness Tickets available from late June.

The Poetry of Consciousness

Thursday 7 July, 19.00-20.30

FREE | TICKETED at Wellcome Collection

From the perspective of the neuroscientist, the poet, the translator - a discussion of the role of language in constituting our consciousness, presenting talks and newly commissioned works for performance on the night.

Featuring: Daniel Margulies, SJ Fowler, Noah Hutton & Jen Calleja.

The Sound of Consciousness

Thursday 14 July, 19.00-20.30

FREE | TICKETED at Wellcome Collection

This event asks what role sound takes in shaping our experience and understanding of consciousness and offers artist’s reflections on the pivotal role sound has in the firmament of our daily lives, drawing from the worlds of neuroscience, anthropology, film, composition and sound poetry.

Featuring: John Gruzelier, Nick Ryan, Vincent Moon & Maja Jantar.

The Narrative of Consciousness

Thursday 21 July, 19.00-20.30

FREE | TICKETED at Wellcome Collection

Within and without language, how does the notion of narrative define our experience of the world through consciousness? An event featuring some of the most dynamic contemporary artists, neuroscientists and writers, exploring how narrative interacts with consciousness and what happens when this begins to break down, whether through trauma or conditions like aphasia.

Featuring: Lotje Sodderland, Srivas Chennu, Sam Winston and Barry Smith.

A note on: a World without Words V - January 9th

The last event of the first (and I hope not last) year of a World without Words, which has been curated by Lotje Sodderland, Thomas Duggan and myself. We returned to Apiary Studios, where we began, and hosted artists Sarah Kelly, Christian Patracchini, who both offered powerful, intimate performances, alongside neuroscientist Daniel Margulies, curator and art historian Elena Agudio, and resilience therapist Gillian Bridge. Once again we were fortunate to have a great turnout and feel gratified that our open, eclectic, immersive curatorial approach, to let discussion and performance sit by side by side, to allow technical information blend with avant garde art, seemed to effect people in the best possible way. www.aworldwithoutwords.com

A note on: my Neurocantos poems in Rebecca Kamen's exhibition in Virginia

One of the most generous collaborative relationships of my last year in writing and correspondence, Rebecca Kamen is a groundbreaking artist and scientist. Very generously she has included poems from my Neurocantos series into her latest exhibition, poems based on her correspondence to me as founding text that formed the base of a sequence of works. 

You can read more about the Continuum exhibition below, at the Reston Arts Centre in Virginia. The exhibition runs from December 1st 2015 to February 13th 2016. http://restonarts.org/exhibition/rebecca-kamen-continuum-2/ 

As part of continuum, two editions of prints of the Neurocantos are included in the exhibition program, framed for display.  Alongside the exhibition's primary sculptural elements, there is also a soundscape, created by Susan Alexjander which involves my reading from the text and a series of 3 moving poem fragments as video projections from 2 of the Neurocantos poems alongside a Cajal quote. You can my intro in the exhibition catalogue below.

The NeuroCantos has also been part of Rebecca's presentation at an international neuroscience symposium, honoring the legacy of Santiago Ramon y Cajal  at National Institute of Health on November 4th 2015.  

a World without Words at Apiary Studios was wonderful

The premiere event of a World without Words was an extraordinary night, well over one hundred people crammed into Apiary Studios in Hackney to watch six presentations from neuroscientists and artists from around the world. What really emerged from a night of big ideas and great personal passion, was how much the unique format we had aimed to provide appealed to both the speakers and the audience. The presentations were not centred about the sharing of knowledge, but of personal passion, and experience, and how the former came through the latter. The event was not one of provocation but curiosity. Lotje Sodderland, Noah Hutton, Ben Ehrlich, Harry Man, Malinda McPherson and Nick Ryan all found their journey into the human brain and our ability to wield language in different ways - through pain and illness, through study and discipline, through travel and creativity, yet they all shared an open, inviting, discursive evening where everyone left with more than they had a few hours before. It was also, what I had already known, a real joy to share the curating with Thomas Duggan and Lotje, we all seem to compliment each other and the process couldn't have been more gratifying. Four more events to come this year... www.aworldwithoutwords.com