Published : Poem in Slovakia anthology

Cool to have a new poem, written for this book in fact, in a new anthology, entitled Slovakia in Poems, edited by Eleni Cay and available here

My poems is about my last trip to Bratislava, going the dinosaur park there and other adventures, it has an epigraph by my collaborator zuzana husarova and has also been translated into Slovakian for the book, with an excerpt below.



Olga Peková - Zuzana Husárová - SJ Bearface
Very happy to announce the formation of the TŘYIE collective, an enterprise of electronic / performative / avant garde poetry across Europe, a stretch from London to Prague to Bratislava. It's an opportunity to root myself in a wholly new aesthetic, both formally, because of the expertise of Zuzana and Olga, and the brilliance of their practise, but also aesthetically - the dynamic of gender, of language, of approach in general should completely revitalise much of what I fall back upon when performing, which is endemically masculine I suppose. There should be a measure of trickiness, of wryness that comes through, and if anyone has watched the performances of Zuzana and Olga, then their ability to drag from the past the best of European avant garde history while being wholly considered in the most contemporary of ways, is the quality that is unmissable, and that I hope to leach from. Our performances this year, probably:

Prague Microfest on May 13th - London, Rich mix theatre October - Bratislava, Ars Poetics October

Enemies Slovakia videos