Exhibited: Manners Maketh Man, my commission for Graz Forumstadtpark Glory Hole series

So happy to have been commissioned by the amazing pioneering Forumstadtpark in Austria, curated by the equally groundbreaking Max Hofler, to produce a videotext work, part of their Glory Hole series. This series has been going for years and involves a video with text projected against the side of the Forumstadtpark itself, blown up like a bat signal, in the middle of a huge, beautiful park in the middle of the city. Loads of people see it, and for my work, which runs throughout April, this is true as its being screened while a film festival goes on. Really i had fun making it too, they promote my kind of work. You can see all the glory hole commissions here : https://vimeo.com/forumstadtparkgraz, some great ones, and my edition, the 31st, below

Reading for the Tomaz Salamun memorial - Feb 3rd

Ales Steger and many other generous souls, very many very close to Tomaz and not having met him in passing as I did arranged for there to be a 11 hour reading in celebration of his life and work at Ljubljana's Miniteater theatre on February 3rd, to which I had the chance to read, via skype. It was strange to do so looking into nothing, through a computer, but in anyway I could contribute I was honoured to do so, to make public my affection for his work and person and life. 

I read two of his poems, Nice hat. Thanks and Frontier. The latter closes with these lines.

Children bring it milk on handcarts
so the co-op pays him for gas.
It exults in rain, when it's needed.
And sunshine, when it suits the grain, not him.
It's free.