Published : 3 new Crayon Poems in Sober magazine

A grand burst of publications around my latest Poem Brut book - CRAYON POEMS with penteract press (buy it here ) that features works not found in the book. Three more have been published by Sober magazine here

I added this note “There is a part of me that wants to be messy, dumb, clumsy, childish, ape-ish and impatient because I am quite naturally these things and these things are preferable to pretense. I never wish to be a child again, and will be granted this wish, but I’d rather be one than a fraught, bourgeois adult, and so robbing the techniques of infants seem a valuable, if petulant, path to safety. What better reason than childishness, amidst the recreations of mortality, animalisms, literacy and colourfulness, could there be for me to author and labour a book of poems made exclusively from the wax crayon?”