Published : Crayon Poems on Abandoned Playground

One month from the publication of my latest visual poem / artwork / poem brut collection - CRAYON POEMS with PENTERACT PRESS - Daniele Pantano’s brilliant online journal - THE ABANDONED PLAYGROUND - has published four of my crayons.

These works are not to be found in the book, which has 50 works and a new essay, as I created over 130 crayon poems / crayon artworks, over two years, for the project. The book is going to be genuinely strange and I’m really pleased with it. It’s been really grand working with Penteract.

Lord of the Fleece

Lord of the Fleece

Happy Medium

Happy Medium

Logogrammatic Crayon Glyphs

Logogrammatic Crayon Glyphs

Burning Biscuit Factory

Burning Biscuit Factory