A note on : Nordic Poetry Festival - October 11th to 17th 2019

www.NordicPoetryFestival.com The first ever NPF in the UK, October 11th to 17th, with over 40 poets performing at 5 events in London, Norwich, York and Kingston-upon-Thames. All events are free to attend and doors at 7pm.

October Friday 11th - Opening of the NPF Exhibition with readings at Burley Fisher Books, London visual poetry by four Nordic poets plus performances on the night and an anthology launch

October Saturday 12th - The Nordic Camarade at Rich Mix, London
The grand event of the festival! 22 poets in 11 pairs present brand new collaborations made especially for this night

October Monday 14th - Nordic Norwich Camarade at the National Centre for Writing Poets from across the Nordic region present new collaborations with writers local to Norwich as part of the NCW’s UNESCO Meet-the-World series 

October Tuesday 15th - Nordic York Camarade at the JORVIK Viking Centre
The home of Nordic history in the UK hosts a night of new collaborations between visiting Nordic poets and York based writers 

October Thursday 17th - Nordic Poetry at Writers’ Centre Kingston
The festival closes at Kingston University with a focus on UK-based Nordic poets. Solo readings and performances at the Museum of Futures