A note on : coming this October - NEMESES - selected collaborations Volume 2

Very chuffed that this October I’ll be releasing a new selected collaborations, entitled Nemeses. It’s going to be an ambitious volume, including lots of text collaborations with UK based poets and writers like Colin Herd, Prudence Chamberlain, Tom Jenks, Max Porter, Joe Dunthorne, Luke Kennard, Eley Williams, as well many around the world like Maja Jantar, Pauli Tapio, Shimon Adaf, Robert Prosser, Morten Sondergaard, Ausra Kaziliunaite. It’ll also try to reveal on the page collaborations which are anything but, like my works with composers and musicians like Claudia Molitor and Diamanda Dramm as well as lots of performance, like the ones I’ve done with Phil Minton and Max Hofler. It’s the follow up to my 2013 book Enemies. October 26th it shall be out, with Haverthorn press, who have put out some beautiful books over the last few years.