I’m chuffed to have my next Poem Brut visual literature book arriving this summer, in July, with the remarkable Hesterglock press. It is entitled Unfinished Memmoirs of a Hypocrit and has actually been gestating and growing and shrinking and morphing for many years, going through many shapes and titles.
The book is about environment affecting writing. The book is about Spain, contextually.
The book is about writing affecting environment. The book is about notation, the notebook as practise, drafting, sketching and illustration, contentually. It draws from literary quotes, book covers, figurative artworks, Chinese supermarket collage and other strange sources.
To get a flavour, a few poems from the book have been published online at https://partisanhotel.co.uk/S-J-Fowler as well in Perverse magazine and soon with Tentacular.
The book will have two releases, the first at the next Poem Brut at Rich Mix event on July 13th, and the second, a proper launch will take place on July 25th at the May Day Rooms. This event will celebrate the wider list of Hesterglock. http://www.hesterglock.net/
The work Paul Hawkins and Sarer Scotthorne have done over the last number of years is really a source of encouragement, validation and hope for many poets writing around the edges of the Now (in the UK) because they are looking for the future. It is hard work, as it must often feel like digging a trench that fills with water, but their enthusiasm, sincerity and selflessness gives fuel to those like me, mining a weird and committed seam. I’m lucky to count them as friends, collaborators and supporters, as are brilliant folk like Thomas Havlik, James Caley, Arturo Desimone, Matti Spence and others.