I may not know why I do things, but I do them. (Spring 2019)

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Spring 2019 stuff Before the semi-glorious summer begins, a recounting of some things I've done since March, with nearly 20 performances, amongst articles, anthologies, events et al (more on each at www.stevenjfowler.com/blog)

Fokus Lyrik Frankfurt - Apparently the biggest poetry festival ever organised in Germany, I gave a 'powerpoint' talking performance for the opening night of the Fokus Lyrik fest conference to an audience of 500 or so, though you can't see them so... I ate flowers and they all thought I’d die. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19Nx1g8J_o8
The Hope Slayer, alcohol - an article on despising the drunk for The Versopolis Reviewwww.versopolis.com/times/essay/771/the-hope-slayer-alcohol
The Next Step, a performance with Fabian Faltin : Male retreats, kickboxing, intimate diaries and friendship. At the Austrian Cultural Forum.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MM0cWDDpbM&t=1068s
La Voix Liberee - Sound Poetry exhibition at Palais de Tokyo, Paris exploring the entire history of sound poetry  www.stevenjfowler.com/blog/2019/5/19/a-note-on-visiting-the-la-voix-liberee-exhibition-at-palais-de-tokyo
Water Rituals, a performance with Krisjanis Zelgis : It is actually quite difficult to drink a litre of water in one gulp. It is easier to have one's hair washed on Kingsland road, during a poetry thing. At Burley Fisher Books. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzfyIpsfk3E
We’ll Never Have Paris A brilliant new anthology ed.by Andrew Gallix, from Repeater Books. www.stevenjfowler.com/blog/2019/5/20/published-new-fiction I've new fiction in the volume, alongside folk like Tom McCarthy, Will Self, Brian Dillon, Joanna Walsh, Eley Williams, Max Porter
Nature - Special to be in one of the world’s most important scientific journals, given I’m a blurt. But I have been working around an interest in neuroaesthetics the last five years or so, and my focus here, my collaborations with Thomas Duggan.https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-019-0450-x
Utsanga, a conversation with Tim Gaze – covering my poem brut book series in depth, an interview with the Australian vispo legend on the Italian Utsangawww.stevenjfowler.com/blog/2019/5/6/published-an-an-interview-on-utsanga-with-tim-gaze
Neutrality Questionnaire, with Patrick Savolainen – Swiss elephants, mimicry and a live poetry questionnaire at the Poetry Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbepZOaU_Yo
The Word Slayer, on Tortuous Cruelty and Human History – a fun new article on the Versopolis Review evidencing my surprising deep knowledge of torturehttps://www.versopolis.com/times/essay/778/the-word-slayer
Black Box Dancing – Yiddish music and window escapes, a performance for Franz Baermann Steiner at Austrian Cultural Forum www.stevenjfowler.com/blog/2019/5/6/a-note-on-the-black-music-box-performance-for-franz-baermann-steiner
On Optioning Cannibalism – an article on future eating.https://www.versopolis.com/times/essay/756/on-optioning-cannibalism
Birmingham Contemporary Music Group – a note on working with composer Robert Reid recently for the BCMG www.stevenjfowler.com/blog/2019/4/29/a-note-on-working-with-robert-reid-allan-w-the-birmingham-contemporary-music-group
Eurobear performances – in Kingston and Kildare I spoke to bears, live. The latter bear was particularly cruel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iraBdtF_1vk
a performance for Laszlo Krasnahorkai with a spider and I became a pirate!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRZYAoya0DI
a performance for Queens Mob Teahouse anthology launch with a roboto toy!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzGZXl2Nneg
a performance for Battalion anthology with bat dancing and echolocation!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Edxxm6E3og
a performance at Burgess Centre with Tom Jenks on post-brexit apocalypse techniques! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUfS5FOgvw8
a performance at Dragon’s Hall Norwich reading amazing poetry bios!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVyRYdNjlTk
a performance at Rich Mix with Maja Jantar unveiling mega papers and singing and dancing again! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or9Ah09PhQw

Thanks for making it this far down, bless you bless you