A note : Beastings, released

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EP Beastings is out on Pretty Purgatory Records. 
order limited edition CD&Chapbook or cassette HERE
also on Spotify and wherever else music streams.

release show December 14 in Splendor with extra super special guests.

Go here please, have a listen https://prettypurgatory.bandcamp.com/album/beastings

You can now order digital, CD, Cassetter or CD & book of mine poems in them, of the album Diamanda Dramm has made of my text/poems.

You can now pre-order digital, CD, Cassetter or CD & book of mine poems in them, of the album Diamanda Dramm has made of my text/poems. CD with accompanying 29-page poetry chapbook featuring lyrics and expanded poems by SJ Fowler, published by Sampson Low LTD (London, England since 1793).
Includes digital pre-order of Beastings. You get 2 tracks now (streaming via the free Bandcamp app and also available as a high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more), plus the complete album the moment it’s released.

A mention below from the All Around Sound website -

"Amazon", the second single from Dramm's forthcoming album Beastings, immediately hooked me with is juxtaposition of opposites - Dramm's vocals are light and airy against at first an effect not unlike a sliding trombone, and then a mounting cacophony of Dramm caresses Fowler's texts holding them firmly aloft above them to set the mood but also to leap out among the fray of otherworldly sounds Dramm is somehow able to weave from her violin. Fowler's texts are elusive, weaving paths of serpentine grace as Dramm's accompaniment blooms forth, both occasionally dealing glancing blows at they intersect at just the right moments. "To be inside a background noise of a thing I don't possess" Dramm sings, accented by a rumbling low end. / "Amazon" is an excellent piece of songcraft - multitudinous in sound and meaning, a luxurious unfurling reverie that's both delightful simple and awe-inspiringly complex. It's a testament to Dramm's compositional prowess that she's able to craft such a lush backdrop of infinitely rewarding instrumental flourishes that doesn't distract from the simplistic but elusive beauty of Fowler's text.