There were tears shed at the very end of it. Often the London event, following the time spent in the country of question on Enemies tours can feel like an afterthought, a rounding up. This was all its own thing, packed with people, full of great performances and full of its own energy. What can be said about #YBAWE? It was perhaps, overall, the best thing I've been a part of in the project so far. So good was the time in Ireland, in the cities and travelling, with the beautiful core poets and the local others we met along the way. So good was the work, the poetry, and so satisfying the feeling at the end as at the beginning. Not the last time Ireland will be in my thoughts for poetry I am sure.
Pascal O'Loughlin & Marcus Slease
Martin Zet & Philip Terry
Kim Campanello & Kit Fryatt
Stephen Mooney
Sarah Kelly
Christodoulos Makris & SJ Fowler
Ailbhe Darcy & Patrick Coyle
Sam Riviere & Billy Ramsell