Next month, thanks to Reel Arts, leading Syrian artists will tour Britain throughout June to launch Syria Speaks, an anthology of art and culture from the Syrian frontline. The line-up will include award-winning Damascus-based novelist Khaled Khalifa, video artist Khalil Younes, writer and film maker Zaher Omareen, and authors Malu Halasa and Robin Yassin-Kassab. The tour begins with an event at the Rich Mix Arts Centre on June 11th, in the main space, from 7.30pm.
The book and tour, organised by Reel Festivals, aims to demonstrate how Syria’s artists are leading the country’s resistance against tyranny. Syria Speaks is the first book to provide a window on Syrian creativity since the uprising, showcasing the work of over 50 artists and writers.
In the interim, while in Iraq I had the chance to write some blogs about the trip, which can be found here:
& a suite of poems I wrote for the project have been published online by Reel Arts here “The Arbil Suite is a poetic history of a city that rightfully claims itself to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited places on earth…”
& here are videos from the Niniti Literature festival:
Ryan Van Winkle & Dan Gorman
Ryan Van Winkle & Dan Gorman
Kei Miller & Ahmad Abdel Hussein
Zhawen Shally & myself
& there’s photos online here & here, as well as a great interview with Nia Davies who also attended, and more blogs from Ryan Van Winkle and others on the Reel Festivals site.
Please attend the event on June 11th if you’re free, and follow and support the remarkable work of this extraordinary organisation.