Poem in Portuguese, translated by Ricardo Marques

http://revistaagio.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/oni-por-sj-fowler.html I recently had the pleasure to meet a remarkable Portuguese poet living in London, Ricardo Marques, who shares many of my pre-occupations, within and beyond poetry. Our worlds overlapped through Ana Hudson's project of offering contemporary Portuguese poets to an English language readership, and I have a sure feeling his work and presence in London will become intertwined with the activities I'm trying to maintain. He has been kind enough to turn his gift for translation towards some of my work, including this poem from Red Museum

ONI por SJ Fowler

(SJ Fowler, 1983-) 

Os demónios japoneses não têm pernas e são do sexo feminino.
Eu tenho um profundo respeito pela perspicácia da sua cultura.
O espaço da galeria é dividida em quatro, quatro faixas,
braços estendem-se de uma sala circular central,
centrada por sua vez pela onda interna,
a escultura aquática de Onchi Koshiro.
As maravilhas da actual era da arte.