Rattle iii - Brumhold's diary: a collaboration with Lone Eriksen

Rattle issue iii is now available, priced £8 + p&p here.
Brumhold’s Diary     Lone Eriksen & S J Fowler
"....my work with a Danish photographer, Lone Eriksen. She took a series of pictures in Norway, while teaching, deliberately distorting pictures of people taking pictures..... realist fiction, the Scandinavian / Habsburg fin de siecle era. Thus I created a diary in collaboration with the images. I wanted the diary to be like a tiny glimpse of what might seem like a massive narrative, and one that carries with it the tonality of the detail, introspection and excessive information of the 19th century type novel, norwegian and danish novels specifically too, people like Hamsun, Gaborg, Hansen etc..."

October 5th night 1987

I threw up again after the lutefisk. Dagny cried again. She asked me for a review of the meal. I accused her of trying to poison me. She said it was true; she was like the doctor who administers chemotherapy so that she might flush out my ‘polluted’ system. To me she looks old, not clever enough to be unhappy, but she wears a face that would make you otherwise. And she is so tall. Never is she 27 years of age.