A note on - Living Words : Catalan Poetry and Performance

April Sunday 10th : 2pm Iklectik Artlab
Free Entrance

Old Paradise Yard, 20 Carlisle Ln, London SE1 7LG

with performances byMireia Calafell and Björt Rùnars / Amy Cutler / Maria Sevilla and Joan Martínez / Mischa Foster Poole / Laia Martínez and Jaume Reus, known as Jansky / David Spittle

A unique afternoon of live Catalan literature, celebrating the innovative and performative brilliance of three contemporary Catalan poets and their musical collaborators. Representing a new wave of poets to whom experimentation and performance are core to their understanding of literature, and held at the remarkable Iklectik Artlab in Waterloo, this event will also feature three British poets, presenting brand new live works in response to the visitors - in acts of homage, collaboration and playful hospitality.

The event will also be a wider celebration of Catalan culture, to be followed by an informal sampling of regional drink and food. This event is part of Spotlight on Catalan Culture in the UK, an arts and culture festival taking place from March to June 2022. Curated by SJ Fowler.